Linkware Term Of Use

Gift from Bev - TY!

This is my Linkware Department. I love creating graphics and I have no problem sharing, as long as you follow the terms of use.

Remember that many hours of blood, sweat and tears went into creating these graphics. So the least you can do is give credit!

I hate rules and if you're here to steal something, you will do it anyway, rules or no rules, so let's keep this short and simple...

You must link back to my site on every page that you use my graphics.

You may not direct-link to my graphics. Save all images to your own hard drive.

You may only use my graphics to decorate your non-commercial, family friendly website.

Do not alter the images in any way. The only exception for adding text to my graphics applies for the blank buttons, quiltsquares or banners I provide for this purpose.

If you have problems adding text yourself, I'm more than willing to help you out by adding text or personalizing things for you.

Last - but by no means least - enjoy and spread the word :)